Saturday, December 5, 2009

Why do people hate guys that do ballet?

I've never had a lot of friends. But ever since I did ballet, I had less and less friends. The only friends I'm gaining are in the ballet academy. They're just like my family.

Why do people hate guys that do ballet?opera ticket

people don't hate you some people just think its different for guys to do ballet, just as people would think it was weird if girls joined a male football team. so they don't hate you its just not as common to them. and are you sure its because you do ballet that you have no friends or because of the way your precieving people? just remember to give EVERYONE a chance. and its great that you have friends at your academy because dance is so much more fun and enjoyable when you have close friends there right beside you to help and encourage you!

Why do people hate guys that do ballet?pacific theater opera theater

Probably they got the impression that ballet is feminine, and not manly at all in any way.
People should get to know you before judging you, but I know that's not the way it really works. I don't think people hate you because you are a ballet dancer. Maybe it's a good thing that your friends are people you dance's nice to have things in common with people.
I think that male ballet dancers are sexy. Besides it takes a lot of balls to do what u do and if ur good at it who cares if u dont have many friends. When u make it big they'll be sorry.
because its so girly and it not tough like football or rubgy or ice hockey and you are loosing friends because your so called "friends" are embarassed to be seen with you because you do ballet

a real friend wouldnt care what everyone else thinks and would have hung around with you
I think that other guys especially....get confused about the arts and what they represent about the person's personality, masculinity, sexuality...etc. They don't know how to "read" guys that are involved in the arts, so they stay away from them or make fun of them. Sad....and ignorant. Just be yourself.
I think guys who do ballet have hot bodies and I think many people are afraid cause they are homophobic and think all guys who ballet are gay.

I think Billy Elliot was a good movie that depicted this. Remember the dad? "Play boxing or football....not bally!!!"

True friends are hard to find for anyone. Just continue to be yourself and be grateful for your current family.
The sad fact is that most Americans are really, really homophobic. Some of them outrightly hate gays. Some of them just wish that gays didn't exist or would remain closeted. And most Americans associate male ballet dancers with homosexuality. Even dance critics are not above this attitude. If you have ever read one praising a danseur for "a vigorous masculine style," the subtext most likely is, "Finally one who doesn't seem gay!"

When a male who used to be friendly learns that you're a dancer and gets hostile because of that, it is generally because he is attracted to you and cannot stand the idea that he might be one of those people he hates. Keep your distance from anyone who acts like that - they can translate their hostility into dangerous actions - and enjoy your good friends in the ballet academy.
Well, I have to ask you: do you have less friends since you began doing ballet because alot of kids at school think it is lame, or is it becasue you have been spending most of your social time at ballet? See what I'm saying? It could be a two-way street. Maybe they think you're pro-occupied with ballet, or that you think you are above them and conceited for performing such a cultural activity. Anyway, don't worry about it. I assure you that most people--well, young adults and adults, anyway--would admire and maybe even envy someone who is graceful enough for ballet. You'll find this out once you get away from the dullards who think ballet is "sissy" or "gay" or whatever they are saying. And trust me: chicks will dig you for it! So follow you heart and do what makes you happy. In time you'll se it was the right thing to do.
The friends you are losing from outside the academy are shallowly judging you, and you don't need friends like that. Your friends from the ballet academy are obviously not judging you for being a male dancer, so take advantage of your friendship with them. You spend a lot of time together, so what's wrong with being good friends with them? Maybe putting yourself out there more too, because I'm sure a lot of non-ballet taking people will still accept you.
I think it is because their interests and your interestest no longer coinside. If they really hate you for doing ballet, it is out of jealosy - they can't do it to save their lives. Hate is a strong word, and the only reason for real hatred here is probably jealosy. If they just don't want to hand out with you anymore, that doesn't mean they hate you, it just means the lack of common interest. It is not surprising that you find more friends and the dance academy - you do have a common intereset with them.

It is very hard, nearly impossible to stay friends with the same set of people throughout the entire life. Things change. People change. You become distant with some people, you grow closer with the other.
Perhaps you feel that you have fewer friends outside of ballet because you are spending a great deal of your time in ballet-type places and activities. You are probably spending less time with your outside-ballet friends and so feel that they have made a decision to exclude you when you are really, without meaning to, excluding them from your schedule.

You yourself said, "They're just like my family".
I love Ballet guys!!!
i luv male dancers. they have GREAT bodies!!! lol. as long as you keep your manlyness when youre outside the studio i dont see why people wouldnt like you. who cares wat u do as long as u luv doing it. so if u luv it keep up the good work! thats different than where i live ( missouri ) guys get props for dancing cause they get to be with all the girls. good luck!!!
Because its like a girl sport why dont u do a real sport!

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