Saturday, December 5, 2009

What are some things to remember in ballet?

What are some things to remember when I do ballet? For instance, having your posture correct, please also post links to show what is correct and what is not correct!

What are something to do during ballet all the time to be the best dancer in the class? I am already one of the best, but I want to be better in this class???

What helped you? (being flexible, being tall and thin, having a good turn out...)

What are some things to remember in ballet?paramount theater

Actually, watch for all of those French words. So you better know your French if you have not already. If you know French, then you are halfway towards mastering ballet. I assume you also have very good dance ability so you are on your way. Well on your way!!!


You can tell the "maitre de ballet" to be an assistant teacher of the class. Or perhaps, tell the teacher about any possible ballet dance auditions for small and major ballet companies.

Also, some pointers....

1. Basically, when you do a grand pile or a demi-pile, your upper body should be as vertical as possible, unless you want to bend your back in a "cambre".

2. The cou-de-pied will help you do such moves as the passe

or even the cabriole.

3. Especially in the "tour de l'air", be sure that you spot correctly. For a "tour double de l'air", be especially careful when you land or you will end up off balance and won't end in the proper position (say, 4th position).

4. In the "fouette" turns done continuously, be sure that at the end of the turn, your free leg ends in passe position before you wind up for the next "fouette".

5. The "soubresaut" and the "changement de pieds" are important in helping you to master such moves as the "pas de chat."

My ballet strengths are observing and observing what ballet dancers do. This helped me in my "port de bras" work even when I do dancing that is not ballet, like contemporary dance.

Here is one link on ballet technique......

What are some things to remember in ballet?theatre opera theater

Five positions of the feet AND of the arms

Stretch And Practise at home

And This may sound silly but..

Buy Bella Ballerina..Im 15 but it helps you remember basic positions and also the free ballet bar comes in handy ;)
you seem to know the basics of what to remember, try focusing on little things.

one thing i learned from taking lessons from great teachers was to always think yourself up. you don't have to be naturally tall and thin...i'm not...i'm 5'3". if you align yourself well without overdoing it (sticking your ribs out, or your butt out) you will look taller and leaner.

another is to think about the shapes you are making with your body in your positions, as well as in the directions of where you are travelling in combinations. know when to be flowing and graceful, and know when to be sharp and precise.

use everything you have (abs, back muscles, arm muscles, shoulders, ankles) all at once. don't just think "oh in this pirouette, all i need is to lift my leg and spin." everything counts, and if you slack with one part of your body, you'll mess up the whole thing of what you're trying to do. make sure everything is placed and is solid as a rock.

happy dancing :)
Don't forget your tu tu.

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